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Main Page for WC map pack
world famous astrologer
==What is the map pack?==
love guru Pandit karan bhrguvasnhi sharma
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The Worldcraft (WC) Mappack contains 1350 VMF (Valve Map Format, a file format that represents editable Hammer levels) files. These files represent levels and areas from almost every location Valve prototyped and playtested during the six-year Half-Life 2 development cycle.
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By analyzing the last-modified date of these VMFs, we can observe that the Mappack contains levels that were made from December 14, 2000 to September 25, 2003. These levels not only provide a fairly accurate timeline of locations and gameplay concepts that Valve continuously prototyped and discarded, but also provide deep insight on how the Source engine itself evolved during its development.
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In terms of the general state of these maps, the Mappack provides levels that range from being almost complete and fully-functional, to being in a very unfinished state. Many of the maps are also affected by engine compatibility issues - as the Source engine was evolving, many features were being modified or discarded at a very quick rate, leaving many old levels very outdated in the process.
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This means that if anyone wishes to get the levels to run in an available Half-Life game, some work is required. The nature of this work mostly revolves around fixing outdated entities and brush work so that the game can correctly interpret the level itself.
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==Explore the WC Map pack==
love mantra to get back your lost love, vashikaran specialist to bring love back, solve love problems, bring your love back by [not allowed] and ilam,
Use the links below to explore the map pack to its fullest.
powerful vashikaran mantra to win the the about black magic specialist GURU ji love back, indian hindu black magic | white magic |kalajadu
=== Folders ===
| indian astrology, real black magic spells and tips to bring lost love, cure black magic.
vashikaran mantra love spell coreses the real love blackmagic specialist
|Name=[[Aaron's WC folder|/aaron/]]
Get done of marriage or breaking of any marriage, Children’s go out of order from parents, home conflict, interruption in marriage, get rid from enemy
|text=Aaron Barber's map folder. Comprises 1/3 of the Mappack's total filesize, with some 416 VMF files.
, foreign tour, Movie… More › or Modelling career, Manglik problem, Kalsarp problem, caught sight (Nazar Lagna) etc…
Problems are like as follow
1. Like jadu-tona.
2. Love spells caster specialist
3. Husband and wife relationship.
4. Be free from enemy / 2nd wife
5. Settle in foreign.
|Name=[[Auto_compile folder|/auto_compile/]]
6. Desired love.
|text=Map folder with a collection of E3 2003, d1_trainstation, and dev VMFs, as well as 3 batch scripts for map compiling.
7. Disputes between husband / wife.
8. control your lover girl boy freind
9. Childless Women.
10. Intoxication.
11. Physical problems.
12. Domestic controversy.
13. Problems in family relations.
|Name=[[Bill's WC folder|/bill/]]
14. Promotions or willful marriage.
|text=Bill van Buren's map folder. Mostly comprised of early 2001 character model testmaps.
15. Lottery & lucky number
16 To Get your love back
17 To make your or your partner’s parents to Love Marriage
18 get your love back by black magic
19: vashikaran mantra for love
20 how to get my ex-back
21 To Control the mind of husband/wife or a desired person.
|Name=[[c17 WC folder|/c17/]]
22 To Wealth and Peace in Home
|text=Dedicated City 17 map folder. Contains three prototype maps.
23 To Kundli and Match Making
24 get your love back by islamic vashikaran
25 To solve the problems between any Relationship
27 :vashikaran mantra for husband
28 To attract any Girl/Boy towards you with heart.
29 To make your or your partner’s parents to Love Marriage
30: To improve professional and personal relationships with others.
|text=The first of several empty folders.
31: To win favors from others, exert pressure and control over them, and get what you want from them.
32 To create a good impression on others and create love and affection in their hearts and minds.
33 Love inter caste marriage problem solution love spells
34 black magic vashikaran expert
35 consult famous best tv Bollywood astrologer
36 aghori bangali musalim tantrik
37 LoVe sPeLlS ThAt WoRk FaSt
|Name=[[Charlie's WC folder|/charlie/]]
38 vashikaran sex attraction woman mantra
|text=Charlie Brown's folder. Comprised of 16 maps, copied from the base directory of the Mappack.
39 same usefull vashikaran mantra
40 ghost problem horror dreams
.Get all solutions in your life as you desire. Call to baba ji and get advise from him. there is no Consultation Charges. Any problems in the life get solution as your desire. GUARANTEED
|text=Dedicated Citadel map folder. Empty.
|Name=[[d1_town WC folder|/d1_town/]]
|text=Dedicated Ravenholm/Phystown map folder. Comprised of 5 E3 2003 maps and 5 early 2003 d1_town levels.
|Name=[[d1_trainstation WC Folder|/d1_trainstation/]]
|text=Dedicated d1_trainstation map folder. Contains 5 mid-2003 d1_trainstation levels.
|Name=[[d2_coastline WC folder|/d2_coastline/]]
|text=Dedicated coast map folder. Comprised of 6 mid-2003 coast maps and a variety of misc coast maps.
|Name=[[d3_borealis WC folder|/d3_borealis/]]
|text=Dedicated folder for d3_borealis maps. Of note are the d3_borealis_01 VMFs, which contain an older, more detailed prefab of the deep sea submarine present in Kraken Base maps. Also worth mentioning is two maps called d3_tug - the community has speculated that these relate to how Gordon was supposed to get to the Borealis (i.e. via tugboat).
|Name=[[Dario's WC folder|/dario/]]
|text=Dari Casali's map folder. Comprised of assorted borealis and City 17 VMFs.
|Name=[[Dave's WC folder|/dave/]]
|text=Dave Riller's map folder. Notable for containing various Airex, Under and Subt VMFs.
|Name=[[David's WC folder|/david/]]
|text=David Speyrer's map folder. Contains several dev maps.
|text=Dedicated Kraken Base map folder '''('Deep' = known designation for the Kraken Base)'''. Empty.
|Name=[[demo WC folder|/demo/]]
|text=Dedicated folder for demo(nstration) maps. Notable for containing demo_arctic, two demo_citadel maps and two asset galleries that respectively make use of two different older versions of Kleiner's Lab.
|Name=[[dev WC folder|/dev/]]
|text=Dedicated folder for dev(eloper) maps.
|Name=[[e3_hydra WC folder|/e3_hydra/]]
|text=Dedicated e3_hydra map folder.
|Name=[[e3_lab WC folder|/e3_lab/]]
|text=Dedicated e3_lab map folder.
|text=Dedicated e3_phystown map folder. Contains one e3_phystown VMF.
|Name=[[e3_techdemo WC folder|/e3_techdemo/]]
|text=Dedicated e3_techdemo map folder. Also contains e3_hl2logo and e3_end.
|Name=[[entity examples WC folder|/entity examples/]]
|text=Map folder containing several examples of point and brush entities at play.
|Name=[[Eric's WC folder|/eric/]]
|text=Eric Kirchmer's map folder.
|Name=[[Gary's WC folder|/gary/]]
|text=Gary McTaggart's map folder. Notable for containing two mid-2000 batch scripts, one with references to wad to material conversions and trans.txt.
|text=John Grimm's map folder - [https://combineoverwiki.net/wiki/File:Kraken_cabal01.jpg very likely to have contained Deep/Kraken Base maps]. Empty.
|Name=[[hl1_hazard WC folder|/hl1_hazard/]]
|text=Dedicated map folder for hazard maps from Half-Life 1, rebuilt with HL2 assets.
|Name=[[Horia's WC folder|/horia/]]
|text=Contains a few prefab and zoo maps.
|text=Dedicated Hyperborea map folder '''('Hyper' = known designation for the Hyperborea)'''. Empty of map files, but contains hyper.bat, a batch script for compiling maps that references goldsrc tools, dated late 1999.
|text=Jake Nicholson's map folder. Contains one VMF - HydraScript.
|text=Jeff Ballinger's map folder. Empty.
|Name=[[John's WC folder|/john/]]
|text=John Guthrie's map folder. Notable for containing a variety of empty folders, one Kraken Base VMF, various versions of the cremator and sniper demonstration maps, several City 17 levels, and a collection of vert maps.
|Name=[[Justin's WC folder|/justin/]]
|text=Justin Fisher's map folder. Notable for containing various versions of the Palace levels and an assorted collection of prison VMFs.
|Name=[[Jweier's WC folder|/jweier/]]
|text=Josh Weier's map folder. Mostly comprised of VMFs related to the prison levels.
|Name=[[Ken's WC folder|/ken/]]
|text=Ken Birdwell's map folder. Mostly comprised of character model test maps, as well as testroom_ripley, demonstrating the choreograph system through Alyx, with audio from Aliens.
|Name=[[Lars's WC folder|/lars/]]
|text=Lars Jensvold's map folder. Notable for containing flmh, a test map for the player_manhack entity, as well as the oldest VMF in the Mappack (dated 2000/12/14), c1a3a_port, a port of Half-Life 1's c1a3a with HL2 assets and enemies.
|Name=[[Laura's WC folder|/laura/]]
|text=Laura Dubuk's map folder.
|Name=[[Marc's WC folder|/marc/]]
|text=Marc Laidlaw's map folder. Contains a variety of surreal VMFs, such as hazard, ickypop and bigwall.
|Name=[[Miked's WC folder|/miked/]]
|text=Mike Dunkle's (R.I.P.) map folder. Contains two VMFs for areaportal testing.
|Name=/Physics test/
|text=Empty. Likely to have contained very early physics system tests.
|Name=[[Prefabs WC folder|/prefabs/]]
|text=Dedicated folder for prefab maps. Contains a variety of late 2002/early 2003 prefab VMFs.
|Name=[[prototypes WC folder|/prototypes/]]
|text=Dedicated folder for prototype maps. Contains an assorted collection of late 2002/early 2003 City 17 and prison VMFs, as well as citizen_tech01, a demonstation map for rustic rebel technology.
|Name=[[Randy's WC folder|/randy/]]
|text=Randy Lundeen's map folder. Notable for containing a variety of prototype citadel maps, older borealis levels, various Airex/Wasteland/City 17 testrooms and two 1999 map compile batch scripts, one referencing fog.
|Name=/Red Lighting Bug/
|text=Dedicated map folder for demonstrating a red lighting bug (from sometime around 1999) related to compiling vrad in release mode. See the HL2 leak code's utils\vrad\vrad.h for more detail.
|Name=[[Repair WC folder|/repair/]]
|text=Odd map folder comprised of 3 versions of d1_under0304, one corrupted and two that seem to have had their VMF data replaced with the VMTs for the leak textures buildingset056a and 056b.
|Name=[[Robin's WC folder|/robin/]]
|text=Robin Walker's map folder. Comprised of 6 miscellaneous testroom maps.
|Name=[[Sawyer's WC folder|/sawyer/]]
|text=David Sawyer's map folder. Comprised of an assorted collection of depot, prison and wasteland related VMFs.
|text=Dedicated folder for Spire ("a prototype arctic base location ... built by Wright Bagwell" - David Speyrer) maps.
|Name=[[Streetwars WC folder|/streetwars/]]
|text=Dedicated folder for Streetwar maps.
|text=Dedicated folder for test maps. Contains a single VMF - test_fallingdamage.
|Name=[[Tom's WC folder|/tom/]]
|text=Tom Leonard's folder. Contains two Odell AI testmaps.
|Name=[[Town_gameplay WC folder|/town_gameplay/]]
|text=Dedicated folder for 4 playable early 2003 Ravenholm maps.
|text=Empty. Exactly what 'train' refers to is unknown.
|text=Travis Brady's map folder. Empty.
|Name=[[Tri's WC folder|/Tri/]]
|text=Tri Nguyen's map folder. Contains a single VMF called combine_room2.
|text=Dedicated folder for Urb (designation for an early urban location, a City 17 predecessor and/or simply the designation for early C17 levels) maps. Empty.
|text=Dedicated folder presumably for vehicle-related maps. Empty - may well have contained various brush vehicles prefabs/testmaps.
|Name=[[Vert WC folder|/vert/]]
|text=Dedicated folder for Vert/Vertigo/Skyscraper maps. Contains several early 2001 vert maps, as well as an empty 'old' folder.
|Name=[[Wedge's WC folder|/wedge/]]
|text=Folder containing several zombie and physics test maps.
|text=Wright Bagwell's folder. Empty. Highly likely to have contained Spire maps.
=== Main directory maps ===
The following section lists all maps included in the main directory.
* [[AI_Hallwalk_(WC)|ai_hallwalk]]
* [[ai_singlefile_(WC)|ai_singlefile]]
* [[ai_stairs_(WC)|ai_stairs]]
* [[ai_stairs_climb_(WC)|ai_stairs_climb]]
* [[alpha_test_(WC)|alpha_test]]
* [[alpha_teat2_(WC)|alpha_teat2]]
* [[bergs_(WC)|bergs]]
* [[break_(WC)|break]]
* [[c1a3a_port_(WC)|c1a3a_port]]
* [[camoroom_(WC)|camoroom]]
* [[crab_(WC)|crab]]
* [[Crap_(WC)|crap]]
* [[cubemap_(WC)|cubemap]]
* [[d1_town_01_(WC)|d1_town_01]]
* [[d1_town_01b_(WC)|d1_town_01b]]
* [[d1_town_01c_(WC)|d1_town_01c]]
* [[d3_borealis_01_(WC)|d3_borealis_01]]
* [[d3_borealis_05_(WC)|d3_borealis_05]]
* [[d4_palace_01_(WC)|d4_palace_01]]
* [[devtest_(WC)|devtest]]
* [[dsp_test_(WC)|dsp_test]]
* [[e3_hydra_(WC)|e3_hydra]]
* [[e3_industrial_(WC)|e3_industrial]]
* [[e3_lab_(WC)|e3_lab]]
* [[e3_shiptest_(WC)|e3_shiptest]]
* [[e3_strider_(WC)|e3_strider]]
* [[e3_techdemo_2_(WC)|e3_techdemo_2]]
* [[e3_techdemo_2a_(WC)|e3_techdemo_2a]]
* [[e3_terminal_(WC)|e3_terminal]]
* [[e3_termtest_(WC)|e3_termtest]]
* [[e3_towntest_(WC)|e3_towntest]]
* [[e3_towntest2_(WC)|e3_towntest2]]
* [[env_cubeworld_(WC)|env_cubeworld]]
* [[glass_(WC)|glass]]
* [[leveltrans1_(WC)|leveltrans1]]
* [[leveltrans2_(WC)|leveltrans2]]
* [[light_(WC)|light]]
* [[lightingtest_(WC)|lightingtest]]
* [[lightingzoo_(WC)|lightingzoo]]
* [[lightingzoo2_(WC)|lightingzoo2]]
* [[mdl2_(WC)|mdl2]]
* [[ms_lab_(WC)|ms_lab]]
* [[physics_ai_(WC)|physics_ai]]
* [[props_borealis_(WC)|props_borealis]]
* [[props_c17_(WC)|props_c17]]
* [[props_debris_(WC)|props_debris]]
* [[props_foliage_(WC)|props_foliage]]
* [[props_junk_(WC)|props_junk]]
* [[props_lab_(WC)|props_lab]]
* [[props_wasteland_(WC)|props_wasteland]]
* [[proptest_(WC)|proptest]]
* [[ragdoll_(WC)|ragdoll]]
* [[shaderzoo_(WC)|shaderzoo]]
* [[shadow_(WC)|shadow]]
* [[skybox3d_(WC)|skybox3d]]
* [[ss_(WC)|ss]]
* [[strider_cannon_(WC)|strider_cannon]]
* [[strider2_(WC)|strider2]]
* [[strider3_(WC)|strider3]]
* [[tentacle_(WC)|tentacle]]
* [[test_(WC)|test]]
* [[test_details_(WC)|test_details]]
* [[test_details2_(WC)|test_details2]]
* [[test_dlights_(WC)|test_dlights]]
* [[test_foliage_(WC)|test_foliage]]
* [[test_hierarchy_(WC)|test_hierarchy]]
* [[test_hierarchy2_(WC)|test_hierarchy2]]
* [[test_hierarchy3_(WC)|test_hierarchy3]]
* [[test_hierarchy4_(WC)|test_hierarchy4]]
* [[test_lablight_(WC)|test_lablight]]
* [[test_lightprops2_(WC)|test_lightprops2]]
* [[test_model_light_(WC)|test_model_light]]
* [[test_route3_(WC)|test_route3]]
* [[test2_(WC)|test2]]
* [[testroom_bullsquid_(WC)|testroom_bullsquid]]
* [[testroom_clientsideanim_(WC)|testroom_clientsideanim]]
* [[testroom_frag_(WC)|testroom_frag]]
* [[testroom_lsmps_(WC)|testroom_lsmps]]
* [[testroom_physics_(WC)|testroom_physics]]
* [[testroom_physprop_(WC)|testroom_physprop]]
* [[testroom_physprop2_(WC)|testroom_physprop2]]
* [[testroom_physprop3_(WC)|testroom_physprop3]]
* [[testroom_scene_(WC)|testroom_scene]]
* [[testroom_skybox01_(WC)|testroom_skybox01]]
* [[testroom_stairs_(WC)|testroom_stairs]]
* [[testroom_standards_(WC)|testroom_standards]]
* [[testroom_water01_(WC)|testroom_water01]]
* [[trace_(WC)|trace]]
* [[visdemo_(WC)|visdemo]]
* [[water_(WC)|water]]
* [[water_bug_(WC)|water_bug]]
* [[water_bug2_(WC)|water_bug2]]
* [[water_error_(WC)|water_error]]
* [[water2_(WC)|water2]]
* [[watershadow_(WC)|watershadow]]
* [[zoo_cable_(WC)|zoo_cable]]
* [[zoo_dust_(WC)|zoo_dust]]
* [[zoo_item_(WC)|zoo_item]]
* [[zoo_lighting_(WC)|zoo_lighting]]
* [[zoo_model_(WC)|zoo_model]]
* [[zoo_particle_(WC)|zoo_particle]]
* [[zoo_portal_(WC)|zoo_portal]]
* [[zoo_portal2_(WC)|zoo_portal2]]
* [[zoo_shader_(WC)|zoo_shader]]
* [[zoo_weapon_(WC)|zoo_weapon]]
[[Category:WC Mappack]]
[[Category:Half-Life 2]]
[[Category:2003 Leaks]]

Revision as of 02:09, 18 July 2020

world famous astrologer love guru Pandit karan bhrguvasnhi sharma aghori baba ji make one call get fast & quick solution contact +91-9914068352,+91-9772654587 gauranteed love relationship solution, get back my boyfriend, get back your girlfriend by vashikaran, get back your lost love, how to get my ex- back, how to get my love back by vashikaran, inter caste marriage solution, Love Marriage Specialist, love marriage with parents approvel by vashikaran, Love Problems Solution, love problems specialist astrologer, love solution, love vashikaran, love vashikaran specialist, love vashikaran specialist babaji, my true love back by vashikaran, powerful strong vashikaran, vashikaran, vashikaran specialist, vodoo spell specialist, women or girl vashikaran, world famous aghori, World famous Astrologer pandit karan sharma world famous tantrik aghori baba ji call now +91-9914068352 love vashikaran specialist ,vodo spell get your love back by vashikaran, blackmagic love vashikaran specialist, bring your love back, get back your lost love, win your lost love back, spells and tips to get your love back, BLACK MAGIC VASHIKARAN SPELLS SPECIALIST WORLD FAMOUS BEST INDIAN GURU JI INDIA / AMERICA / CANADA / AUSTRALIA / UK / MEXICO/ AFRICA/USA/INTERNATIONAL SERVICE WITH GURU JI 30YRS EXPERIENCE love mantra to get back your lost love, vashikaran specialist to bring love back, solve love problems, bring your love back by [not allowed] and ilam, powerful vashikaran mantra to win the the about black magic specialist GURU ji love back, indian hindu black magic | white magic |kalajadu | indian astrology, real black magic spells and tips to bring lost love, cure black magic. vashikaran mantra love spell coreses the real love blackmagic specialist Get done of marriage or breaking of any marriage, Children’s go out of order from parents, home conflict, interruption in marriage, get rid from enemy , foreign tour, Movie… More › or Modelling career, Manglik problem, Kalsarp problem, caught sight (Nazar Lagna) etc… Problems are like as follow 1. Like jadu-tona. 2. Love spells caster specialist 3. Husband and wife relationship. 4. Be free from enemy / 2nd wife 5. Settle in foreign. 6. Desired love. 7. Disputes between husband / wife. 8. control your lover girl boy freind 9. Childless Women. 10. Intoxication. 11. Physical problems. 12. Domestic controversy. 13. Problems in family relations. 14. Promotions or willful marriage. 15. Lottery & lucky number 16 To Get your love back 17 To make your or your partner’s parents to Love Marriage 18 get your love back by black magic 19: vashikaran mantra for love 20 how to get my ex-back 21 To Control the mind of husband/wife or a desired person. 22 To Wealth and Peace in Home 23 To Kundli and Match Making 24 get your love back by islamic vashikaran 25 To solve the problems between any Relationship 26 VASHIKARAN, LOVE LOST, HUSBAND/WIFE DISTRIBUTE, 27 :vashikaran mantra for husband 28 To attract any Girl/Boy towards you with heart. 29 To make your or your partner’s parents to Love Marriage 30: To improve professional and personal relationships with others. 31: To win favors from others, exert pressure and control over them, and get what you want from them. 32 To create a good impression on others and create love and affection in their hearts and minds. 33 Love inter caste marriage problem solution love spells 34 black magic vashikaran expert 35 consult famous best tv Bollywood astrologer 36 aghori bangali musalim tantrik 37 LoVe sPeLlS ThAt WoRk FaSt 38 vashikaran sex attraction woman mantra 39 same usefull vashikaran mantra 40 ghost problem horror dreams .Get all solutions in your life as you desire. Call to baba ji and get advise from him. there is no Consultation Charges. Any problems in the life get solution as your desire. GUARANTEED