HECU Soldiers (Evolution)

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The Hazardous Environment Combat Unit - often referred to by the acronym HECU - are ruthless troopers found throughout Half-Life starting with the chapter We've Got Hostiles!. Tasked with purging Black Mesa of any living creatures, they are merely one of many obstacles the player has to face. Before they settled on their final design, they went through a good few revisions prior to their final design.

WARNING: Article is incomplete and needs more work.

Version 1: The Human Sergeant

This is the earliest model we have. This version of the Grunt has lower quality textures compared to the final model. Additionally, his shoulders are wider and sharper, he has a unique sleeve texture with a US Marine Corps tattoo, suggesting this is who the player would be fighting against. Further more, their vest is merely a harness, with their pouches being more closer to lime than army green. Compared to later revisions, this one has gloves.

Version 2: Gloveless HECU


Version 3: reference(old).smd HECU

Seen in the Half-Life SDK.

Version 4: 0.52 Alpha HECU

The HECU model from the leaked 0.52 Alpha Half-Life build.

Version 5: reference.smd HECU

Seen in the Half-Life SDK, this version of the Grunt seems to be the 0.52 model mapped to the retail textures and skeleton. It is the last to have thin biceps and shoulder guards.

Version 6: Half-Life: Day One HECU

As seen in Half-Life: Day One, this HECU soldier is near completion, as he carries an MP5 and has an alternate head with a beret and scowl. Otherwise, this is almost identical to the retail model.

Version 7: Retail HECU

The final version of the HECU as seen in the retail build of Half-Life.