Episode One - Unused Visgroups/Citadel

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The first map in Episode One's campaign. There are two unused visgroups here, _choreo_deleted and _randy_temp


Hidden inside the rubble next to where Dog throws you across the gap is a func_brush entity named "pclip_boulder", 3 scripted sequences named "SS_dog_clearpath_1", and an npc_furniture entity using the missing model "ghostanim_dogscrap".

Citadel00choreodeleted 2.png


This visgroup contains multiple removed details, such as an extra fire in the starting area, rubble made from displacements overlapping modeled rubble in the final game, and rubble models floating far out of the playable space.

Citadel00randy temp floating details.png
Citadel00randy temp displacement rubble.png
Citadel00randy temp fire.png