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(Replaced content with "披头士乐队(英語:The Beatles)是1960年在利物浦组建的一支英国摇滚乐队,在华语地区亦称为“甲壳虫乐队”[3]、“披头四乐队”...")
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披头士乐队(英語:The Beatles)是1960年在利物浦组建的一支英国摇滚乐队,在华语地区亦称为“甲壳虫乐队”[3]、“披头四乐队”等。乐队成員為约翰·列侬、保羅·麥卡尼、喬治·哈里森和林戈·斯塔尔。他们被广泛承认为史上最伟大、最有影响力的摇滚乐队[4]。根植于噪音爵士乐和50年代摇滚,披头士探索了各种音乐类型,从流行谣曲到迷幻搖滾,经常创新地运用经典元素。1960年代早期,他们的极度流行产生了披头士狂热(Beatlemania)现象。随着日后创作的成熟,他们被视为当时反文化运动理想的化身。
(Credit to Jackathan for his early august timeline)
==Notable Pre-Leak File Dates==
The dates in the source files offer us a contextual look at what led up to the leaks, and the connections between the leaks we got.
===February 23rd, 2016===
8:16 PM - Last modified date of the files inside Police_XSI.7z<br />10:12 PM - Last modified date of the files inside the Cremator source files zip.<br />10:58 PM - Last modified date of the folders inside the Cremator source files zip.<br />11:47 PM - Last modified date of the 2002 Gravity Gun model files.
===Febuary 24th, 2016===
5:19 PM - Last modified date of ep2_trailer_01.bsp<br />7:11 PM - Last modified date of jeep_zombiezapper.bsp<br />7:19 PM - Last modified date of a different version of ep2_trailer_01.bsp
===March 30th, 2016===
6:41 AM - Last modified date of the folders in Police_XSI.7z
===July 2nd, 2016===
9:09 PM - Last modified date of the 3 proto_finale VMFs.
==2016 Leaks==
===August 3rd, 2016===
* PelPix asks the cut content thread about "Rollergrubs." She then goes on to say she found it "in an old folder".<br /><ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50820968&viewfull=1#post50820968</ref>
* PelPix discusses the behavior of the bullsquid:<ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50824300&viewfull=1#post50824300</ref>
从1960年起的之后三年间,披头士在利物浦和汉堡的俱乐部中演出,逐渐积累了声望。乐队经理人布萊恩·愛普斯坦把他们打磨成职业乐队,制作人乔治·马丁激发了他们音乐上的潜能。在1962年末发行第一首打榜歌《Love Me Do》后,披头士走红英国。后一年,随着披头士狂热在英国的蔓延,他们取得了“Fab Four”的昵称。到1964年初,披头士已征服美国流行乐市场,成为国际巨星,引领了英伦入侵潮流。1965年后,披头士制作了一系列革新而影响深远的专辑,包括《Rubber Soul》(1965)、《Revolver》(1966)、《Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band》(1967)、《The Beatles (White Album)》(1968)以及《Abbey Road》(1969)。乐评界认为它们是披头士最好的作品。1970年披头士解散,之后乐队成员都有各自成功的单飞生涯。列侬于1980年12月遭枪击遇害,哈里森于2001年11月因肺癌病逝。剩余的成员麦卡特尼和斯塔尔如今依旧活跃在乐坛。麥卡尼亦有各成员中最成功的单飞事业,是全球最有钱的音乐人之一。
This version is a crocodile-like water lurker that surfaces menacingly with a small "splish" and stares at you for a bit before diving back down into the water. It basically functions like a water version of the antlion worker, keeping more distant than a regular bullsquid, something like the deku scrubs from zelda
* PelPix posts bullsquid animations video. (untextured)
* Theuaredead tells her that the textures for that model is in the HL2 Leak.
* PelPix responds by saying that it was a year or two older then she thought.
根据美國唱片業協會统计,披头士是美国史上销售量最高的乐队,共售出1.83亿张唱片。他们是英国排行榜上冠军专辑最多,也是英国单曲销量第一的乐队。2008年,披头士在《公告牌》的“史上最成功音乐人Hot 100”榜单上登顶;2014年,他们以20首冠军单曲在《公告牌》“最多冠军单曲”榜单上排名第一。他们拥有10座格萊美獎,1座奥斯卡最佳原创配乐奖以及15座艾弗·诺韦洛奖。乐队作为一个整体入选了《时代》杂志的“时代100人:本世纪最重要的人物”名单。披头士是史上最畅销的乐队,全球总销售量估算为6亿到10亿间[5][6]。2004年,《滾石雜誌》把披头士列为歷史上最伟大的艺人。
* Crazyweegeeman (CrazyBubba) gives her the texture sheet from the 2003 leak.
* PelPix applies it to the model. It fits perfectly. She posts a picture of the textured bullsquid.<ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50824621&viewfull=1#post50824621</ref>
===August 4th, 2016===
* PelPix posts 2002 Physics Cannon image. It has a placeholder texture not yet seen before, or since. She claims to have an extensive collection of beta stuff. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50825956&viewfull=1#post50825956</ref><!-- TODO: Where's the extensive collection post?-->
<gallery widths="310" position="center" bordersize="none" hideaddbutton=true>
Gravity Pelpng.png|PelPix's picture depicting the 2002 Gravity Gun. (Notice the phrase "Place holder model")
*OddDoc responds to an inquirer, stating that "There are no things such a beta builds of theese, but A LOT another materials which related to the development. Theese materials are not in wide public yet. I hope not for a long time."<ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50826130&viewfull=1#post50826130</ref>
*OddDoc references the source developer repository for the first time, stating that said materials are from it.
* OddDoc posts image of the 2002 Physics Cannon, this time in an actual Nova Prospekt map. He is using the texture from the 2003 leak and not the placeholder.
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Gravity odd.jpg|Odddoc's picture of a more final 2002 gravity gun.
* PelPix claims to have gotten death threats and prank calls because of the beta content she posted. She says she should stop posting beta content.
* PelPix posts the photo of the Elite Metrocop in response to a comment by PikaCommando some hours later.
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Elite Metro.png|The Elite metrocop
* PelPix says she has some stuff which she "can't release right now" but she says that the Elite Metrocop can be released. She reveals that it's a retail era model.
* PelPix uploads Elite Metrocop compiled model. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50827014&viewfull=1#post50827014</ref>
* PelPix says its not special, and it's been "floating around for a while."
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* PelPix posts a photo of a late-beta texture for the Combine Soldier. She also releases a .PNG image of the full-resolution texture. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50828713&viewfull=1#post50828713</ref>
<gallery widths="200" position="center" bordersize="none" hideaddbutton=true>
Combine-month before.png|The Combine soldier roughly a month before release.
Combtexturesheet.png|The texture sheet
Compare.png|A comparison of the three combine soldiers. Final (Left), Month before (Middle), and Beta leak (Right).
* PelPix reveals that her folder for the Gasmask Citizen model is empty, save for the textures. (Which were already available.) <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50829853&viewfull=1#post50829853</ref>
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* PelPix uploads all the metalwall08x variants she has. Some of these aren't in the HL2 leak or retail. 
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metalwall082a.png|082a (trans)
metalwall082b.png|082b (trans)
* PelPix posts the full PNG of the texture sheet for the E3 2004 Citizen. She claims the model is missing. (Later she claims in a private chat that she does have it, in original XSI form). <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50830208&viewfull=1#post50830208</ref>
<gallery widths="250" position="center" bordersize="none" hideaddbutton="true">
cit2004.png|The texture sheet of the 2004 citizen.
bubba does a thing.png|The textures applied to the retails models/humans/corpse1.mdl. (Credit to CrazyBubba)
===August 5th, 2016===
* PelPix makes a post about the Antlion Guard diffuse/bumpmap textures, comparing the ones from the HL2 Leak and Retail. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50834528&viewfull=1#post50834528</ref>
* PelPix posts the mid-beta Antlion Guardian texture from Half-Life 2: Episode 2. It was made after the blue version, and before the final verison. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50837140&viewfull=1#post50837140</ref>
<gallery widths="310" position="center" bordersize="none" hideaddbutton=true>
antlionGuard.png|Antlion Guardian (2006, post-blue, pre-final)
* Marc Laidlaw posts an early team shirt from Half-Life 2's development on Twitter. <ref>https://twitter.com/marc_laidlaw/status/761765520232230912</ref>
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===August 7th, 2016===
* PelPix posts the 2002 Antlion wing texture as a .PNG image. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50843712&viewfull=1#post50843712</ref>
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antlion wing.png|Antlion wing
* PelPix uploads all the textures for the 2002 Antlion. Originally she uploads the thumbnails only, and then she corrects the Dropbox link to include the full resolution textures. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50843759&viewfull=1#post50843759</ref>
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* Zelpa asks PelPix if there are any unreleased citizen models, specifically female_06. She responds by saying that she sent him a PM. PM contents are unknown. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50843806&viewfull=1#post50843806</ref>
* Havch1k92 asks PelPix about the old "Super Combine" synth model. She replies saying that in her 11 years of collecting beta content, she has never seen any evidence of that model. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50843806&viewfull=1#post50843806</ref>
* OddDoc ports the textures that PelPix posted onto the HL2 Leak Antlion texture sheet, and posts it. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50843910&viewfull=1#post50843910</ref>
* Zelpa makes a post talking about the files that PelPix sent him. He talks about a HD Cheaple face. Later in the day, ViperVGTs aquires the [[The_%22Facemap_Sources%22_Leak|zip of facemaps]] from Zelpa and posts them in the Valve Cut Content Discord server. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50843913&viewfull=1#post50843913</ref>
* PelPix posts pictures of the E3 2004 Citizen mesh with the texture she provided, as well as the 2003 Citizen. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50844997&viewfull=1#post50844997</ref>
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2004_citizen1.png|Behind - 2004
2004_citizen2.png|Front - 2004
2003_citizen1.png|2003 - Behind
2003_citizen2.png|2003 - Front
* PelPix sends glasswindow071a (A texture missing from the HL2 Leak and Retail) to CrazyBubba. He posts it in the thread. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50845232&viewfull=1#post50845232</ref>
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* PelPix claims her Valve Archive is around 700gb (This number later fluctuates between 500 and 700). She later states the reason for this being "i collect everything religiously, even different releases of the same thing."<ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50845981&viewfull=1#post50845981</ref>
===August 8th, 2016===
4:36 PM - Last modified date of gordon_cylmap2.tga
* PelPix, in response to a query about the sounds she possesses, states she has nothing other than what is in the Half-Life 2 Leak. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50846171&viewfull=1#post50846171</ref>
* Zepla posts the HD Cheaple face from PelPix's zip. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50847342&viewfull=1#post50847342</ref>
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HDCHEP.png|The posted cheaple face
* PelPix makes a post about her "Half-Life 2 Enhancement Mod" which fixes a lot of bugs and uses the higher resolution versions of a lot of textures. Would almost certainly use some of her rare/exclusive files.<ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50848998&viewfull=1#post50848998</ref>
* OddDoc posts a video of many early and unseen Half-Life 2: Episode 2 maps.<ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50849349&viewfull=1#post50849349</ref>
[https://youtu.be/Vyno_jHoQhA The video in question.]
*Pelpix shortly after replies, stating, <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50849793&viewfull=1#post50849793</ref>
this is all real, where'd you get it all?
this is the kinda stuff you get in trouble for showing.
<!-- One under appreciated aspect of the 2016 leaks is how it raised the public level of knowledge of what is in the "walled garden" of source licenses to an otherwise unprecedented level. I'll be pointing out a few interesting bits that tell us what is going on behind the curtain.-->
Drama over the legality of the release begins, with a few noteworthy posts about Valve's licensing habits scattered throughout.
*PelPix talks about how the posts will affect licensees:
This is content that's only available to a small group of people. Now everyone has to worry about that group getting even smaller. Again. The last time this happened Valve basically fucking molotoved contractor relations. This has the potential to ruin things for a lot of innocent people.
*In response to a post mocking the "private ecosystem" of licensees and developers, Pelpix mentions that she is not a member of said ecosystem.<ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50850057&viewfull=1#post50850057</ref>
<!--*Testinglol references a unknown person that "snapped and hacked valve to leak HL3 content", mentioning said person had full access to their internal files at some point, but afterwards "forgot".
I don't think this is too relevant but I'll leave it in for later use.
===August 9th, 2016===
*OddDoc posts, giving his perspective on the issue. Among it, he mentions that he got the maps from "one guy of our forum".<ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50853155&viewfull=1#post50853155</ref>
===August 10th, 2016===
* VNN makes video about the past few days. It is generally well-received. Zelpa is confused about how VNN got the facemaps. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50859333&viewfull=1#post50859333</ref>
* Pelpix summarizes the previous situation for a curious user:<ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50859832&viewfull=1#post50859832</ref>
Basically, I started releasing a lot of my Beta collection online that I collected over a few years and someone wanted to show me up so they started posting content from the valve repo and it's like what are you doing you idiot I'm specifically avoiding repo content for a reason are you insane.
Nothing I posted is from the dev repo and these people or whoever leaked to them are probably gonna get in deep shit for this
* Jackathan links to an old Facepunch post from 2013 talking about mysterious files included in the (then new) Steampipe updates. The files posted were 2 overview VTFs, from the maps "ep2_intro.bsp" and "devtest.bsp". The "devtest" map was already publically availible in the NVidia Sheild ports of Half-Life 2 and the Episodes. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50860581&viewfull=1#post50860581</ref>
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* OddDoc posts photos of jeep_zombiezapper.bsp, from the development files of Half-Life 2: Episode 2. This map came from the developer repository (NOTE: OddDoc did not have direct access. He got the files through a Russian mod team that had access to it).<ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50861260&viewfull=1#post50861260</ref>
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orig_jeepzz_1.jpg|Original Picture - 1
orig_jeepzz_2.jpg|Original Picture - 2
* PelPix says that the ep2_intro map was identical to the ending of Half-Life 2: Episode 1, the only difference being the Citadel, which disintigrates into the air as the train speeds away. The models and animations for the disintegrating Citadel are still in the game files. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50861316&viewfull=1#post50861316</ref>
* Long Nange recreates the map based on the information provided. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50862519&viewfull=1#post50862519</ref>
* PelPix claims that Long Nange got the map from the depot, and she just got the same map from a "map pack." She says that "taking credit for Valve's shit is low as hell." <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50863125&viewfull=1#post50863125</ref>
* OddDoc backs her up, saying that one minor detail (a large chunk of the Citadel landing in a certain spot) is only present in the legitimate map. The fact it was in Long Nange's map proves it wasn't a recreation, but the real deal. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50863616&viewfull=1#post50863616</ref>
===August 11th, 2016===
10:00 PM - Last modified date of proto_gameplay_woods.bsp<br />10:05 PM - Last modified date of the unknown monster TGA files.<br />10:59 PM - Last modified date of ep2_outland_01_1010.bsp<br />11:03 PM - Last modified date of ep2_outland_06a_1010_fix.bsp<br />11:06 PM - Last modified date of ep2_outland_06a_0912_fix.bsp<br />11:18 PM - Last modified date of Combine_Elite.rar
* PelPix claims that the map is from the Depot, her reasoning being that the place where Alyx's animations break, and where Alyx's dialogue cuts off, is identical to the real map. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50865643&viewfull=1#post50865643</ref>
* PelPix says she doesn't have Depot access, but she says she can "recognize Depot content when she sees it" from the last "leak" (no further details about this leak are said).
* PelPix claims, again, that she only distributes content that has been leaked before (despite no proof of these other leaks). She tells everybody to "just stop" and says that continuing this will fuck over "tons of innocent developers."
* OddDoc says he has de_dust3, a cut version from Counter-Strike: Source. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50866479&viewfull=1#post50866479</ref>
* Long Nange posts the VMF and the BSP for the ep2_intro recreation, saying he never had access to the Depot <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50867594&viewfull=1#post50867594</ref>
* PelPix claims that the full Source Engine source code being leaked in 2012 was one of the outcomes of the last leak. However, no evidence was provided. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50867597&viewfull=1#post50867597</ref>
* PelPix says that he "renamed the map to ep1_c17_06 then decompiled it again" when the VMF was brought to light. People begin to ask her for proof. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50867980&viewfull=1#post50867980</ref>
===August 13th, 2016===
* Maxx recieves the 3 proto_finale VMFs from Alex Truman, and decides to upload them to Facepunch. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50879550&viewfull=1#post50879550</ref>
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* ViperVGTs uploads the Cremator source files and Metrocop source files to the Valve Cut Content discord.
* ViperVGTs uploads the 2002 Gravity Gun model to Facepunch under an alternate account. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50882062&viewfull=1#post50882062</ref>
===August 14th, 2016===
* In reply to Maxx's release of proto_finale, Odddoc mentions that valve has begun an investigation of the leak. Pel replies with "thank jesus". <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50881840&viewfull=1#post50881840</ref> <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50881919&viewfull=1#post50881919</ref>
* A bit later, she replies to someone asking that the earlier in the leak the investigation begins the less afraid valve gets. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50882087&viewfull=1#post50882087</ref>
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* Again, PelPix mentions that she does not post original repo content, merely items from existing leaks. She also mentions a "portal drive" she has.<ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50882889&viewfull=1#post50882889</ref>
* Carbonman receives the Combine Elite source files and releases them.
===August 16th, 2016===
* Pel releases 4 1024x1024 antlion sheets for her HL2 enhancement mod. A post shortly following after implies she used Valve's "highpoly" sculpts in making them. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50877876&viewfull=1#post50877876</ref><ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50877891&viewfull=1#post50877891</ref>
<gallery widths="200" bordersize="none" captionalign="center" position="center" hideaddbutton=true>
anthd_01.png|Sheet 1
andhd_02.png|Sheet 2
andhd_03.png|Sheet 3
andhd_04.png|Sheet 4
Andhd_pelpost.png|The "highpoly" post
* Jackathan is sent the source files of the OICW and the source files of an older Stalker model pre-2003. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50892631&viewfull=1#post50892631</ref>
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Pre2003stalker.png|Leaked stalker model from pre 2003
* Within the same day Jackathan releases the 2002 combine soldiers' texture sheet. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50894720&viewfull=1#post50894720</ref>
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* PelPix posts an image of the Ministrider sculpt, however it is missing it's materials. Later the same day, she uploads a picture of the textured Antlion Guard sculpt. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50897483&viewfull=1#post50897483</ref> <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50897500&viewfull=1#post50897500</ref>
<gallery widths="310" position="center" bordersize="none" hideaddbutton=true>
HD mini sculpt.png|The sculpt of the Ministrider
Antlion gaurd HD.png|The sculpt of the Antlion Guard
=== August 17th, 2016 ===
* Pel posts a picture of a ministrider sculpt, but this time textured. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50897888&viewfull=1#post50897888</ref>
<gallery widths="310" position="center" bordersize="none" hideaddbutton=true>
HDminitexture.png|The same sculpt from earlier, but now textured
===August 18th, 2016===
* In a post discussing her enhancement mod, Pel unintentionally releases a PNG of the source material of metalwall090a. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1507632&p=50908962#post50908962</ref>
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Metalwall090a.png|Metalwall090a source
===August 19th, 2016===
* Pel releases c17_05 from a ''"old version of CS:S from before they were X'd''". <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50914002&viewfull=1#post50914002</ref>
===August 22nd, 2016===
* The "new" bullsquid model is leaked, an enlightening era of bullsquid memes come to an end. <!--- (although it is rumored Pel just released it under an alt)---> <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50930812&viewfull=1#post50930812</ref>
===August 27th, 2016===
* The HL1 beta zombie sources are given out at Facepunch. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50954462&viewfull=1#post50954462</ref>
* Shortly after, the rest of the model sources are released. They are a pre-leak 1997 houndeye, TF2 BoA soldier, and beta scientist sources. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=50959264&viewfull=1#post50959264</ref>
===September ?, 2016===
Over the month, Maxx receives a large quantity of Portal Beta VMF files from PelPix from 2006, never seen before. And at the notice of this becoming known, Jackathan had wanted to trade Episode 2 VMF's with him. This ended in countless arguments about manipulation, as Vipervgts was given the Episode 2 VMF's to get Maxx into trading the files away. Maxx had released the Portal Beta VMFs to Viper, and Viper traded the content without giving the files to Jack.
===September 11th, 2016===
* Valvetime released concept overviews of Kraken Base. <ref>https://twitter.com/ValveTime/status/775216975622594561</ref>
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===September 19th, 2016===
* Valvetime releases two concepts of a very early Headcrab.
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===September 30th, 2016===
* The Episode 2 VMF's in their original form are released to the public, by Maxx. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=51130911&viewfull=1#post51130911</ref>
- Noted, on this date Maxx also releases the Portal 2006 VMF's silently to the archive.
===October 1st, 2016===
* proto_escape, a unfinished version of escape_02 from retail portal, (dated May-June 2007) is released to the public. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=51135335&viewfull=1#post51135335</ref>
All is quiet for a while at this point, more maps are received in November.
===October 9th, 2016===
* Dindex releases a sculpt and a "full" model render of an alternate Grigori through an indirect release of PelPix.<ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=51178530&viewfull=1#post51178530</ref>
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monk_scuplt.jpg|The sculpt
monk_fullrender.jpg|With Grigori's body
===November 5th, 2016===
* Odddoc posts the first of the "November revival" series of screenshots, featuring strider_test and canyon_test.<ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=51314337&viewfull=1#post51314337</ref>
<gallery widths="250" position="center" bordersize="none" hideaddbutton=true>
1Q01r5ITip0.jpg|The first image of strider_test.
Jm1p4bF3_Iw.jpg|The first image of canyon_test.
===November 6th, 2016===
* Odddoc posts several "the making of" compilations of Episode 2 maps with the map names, along with a screenshot of a Alyx scene. They were apparently from his source.<ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=51317757&viewfull=1#post51317757</ref>
Map names:
<gallery widths="150" position="center" bordersize="none" hideaddbutton=true>
timeline2.jpg|Alyx beta scene
timeline1.png|Evolution of Outland_05 1
timeline4.png|Evolution of Outland_05 2
timeline2.png|Evolution of Outland_06 1
timeline3.png|Evolution of Outland_06 2
===November 7th, 2016===
* Portal 2007 Retail VMFs are released, after being acquired and uploaded to the archive. They include the devtest maps and original visgroups, as well as some beta content not seen until then.
===November 11th, 2016 ===
* Odddoc releases his third series of screenshots, now featuring [[EP2_Outland_07_0405|outland_07_0405]] in addition to strider_test and canyon_test.<ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&page=115</ref>
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stridertest0008.jpg|Strider test
===November 14th, 2016 ===
* Maxx gains and releases the original HL2 Xbox 360 map sources from OddDoc. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=51368892&viewfull=1#post51368892</ref>
===November 15th, 2016 ===
* Pelpix releases the "Boom! Real Beta!" logo seen back on November 6th, with OddDoc's "evolution of" screenshots.<ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1521400&p=51376638&viewfull=1#post51376638</ref>
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===December 10th, 2016 ===
* Odddoc releases canyon_test on Discord. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1544804&p=51508221&viewfull=1#post51508221</ref>
<gallery widths="150" position="center" bordersize="none" hideaddbutton=true>
===December 11th, 2016 ===
* Jackathan finds & releases several cut skins for CSGO weapons. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1544804&p=51512224&viewfull=1#post51512224</ref>
===December 17th, 2016 ===
* Valkyrie releases the MP5 model from CSGO prerelease
<gallery widths="310" position="center" bordersize="none" hideaddbutton=true>
Origpost_valk_mp5.png|Original Post
===December 21st, 2016 ===
* Valkyrie releases a private 2012 build of CSGO. (1.15)
<gallery widths="310" position="center" bordersize="none" hideaddbutton=true>
Orig_post_valkcsbeta.png|Original post
== 2017 Leaks ==
=== January 20, 2017 ===
* OddDoc releases [[EP2 Outland 07 0405|an early version]] of ep2_outland_07, dated April 5th, 2006, in BSP form per request, as he couldn't upload raw files. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1544804&p=51700834&viewfull=1#post51700834</ref>
=== January 24, 2017 ===
* The legendary ministrider, a early version of the Episode 2 Hunter, was released on Facepunch. The poster talks about the person being "emotionally attached to the files" and "trading privately", as well as a "Episode 2 beta build" being in circulation, being a compilation of Particle Benchmark files and privately traded files of Episode 2 beta content. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1544804&p=51718594&viewfull=1#post51718594</ref>
**Additional info: [[Proj3ct ZeRo Leaks]]
* 8:26 PM CST - OddDoc releases an early version of ep2_outland_05, dated January 9th, 2006, to the discord. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1544804&p=51722664&viewfull=1#post51722664</ref>
=== January 28, 2017 - 2:00 AM CST ===
* OddDoc releases early versions of Episode 2 beta levels, the levels listed are: <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1544804&p=51739497&viewfull=1#post51739497</ref>
*ep2_outland_05 - April 12th, 2006
*ep2_outland_06 - October 11th, 2006
*strider_test - Early-Mid 2006
=== March 23, 2017===
* The VMF map sources for 317 different EP2/EP1 maps are released onto the Discord, and soon after, Facepunch. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1544804&p=52005025&viewfull=1#post52005025</ref>
**Additional info: [[Ep2/Ep1 Mappack]]
=== March 24, 2017===
* Foda states, "<i>good luck finding $250,000 to license Source, and they said they can't provide any support or answer questions. that's what they told us 4 years ago, and we had an "in" with valve.</i>" <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1544804&p=52008758&viewfull=1#post52008758</ref>
* Sam Za Nemesis replies, saying "<i>Licensing deal is much better after they introduced Greenlight but I can't give numbers, I have no idea what they will do (If they do) after they release Steam Direct</i>"
=== March 25, 2017===
* The sources for Gman are released by Iñaki on the Discord. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1544804&p=52009542&viewfull=1#post52009542</ref><!--- TODO: Get an image of the initial release on Discord.
Stacker deletion lol--->
=== March 26, 2017 ===
* PelPix briefly returns, the most notable of the posts stating that a texture was never made for the jetski. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1544804&p=52012916&viewfull=1#post52012916</ref>
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=== May 10, 2017 ===
* QWERTERBERY releases sample.wad, containing several textures from a 2000 / 2001-era version of Team Fortress 2. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1544804&p=52210673&viewfull=1#post52210673</ref>
* He cites the source of this as:
<blockquote><i> The early prototypes builds of Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines (2001-2002, archival assemblies Activision), Arx Fatalis 2 (Dark Messiah Might and Magic, Arx Fatalis, 2002, Ubisoft FTP Archive). </i><ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1544804&p=52212435&viewfull=1#post52212435</ref></blockquote>
* Efforts to locate where this originated have been unsuccessful.
=== July 6, 2017 ===
* QWERTERBERY publishes a screenshot of console output, mentioning several interesting models. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1544804&p=52437950#post52437950</ref>
<p style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 1em;">
<gallery widths="310" position="center" bordersize="none" hideaddbutton=true>
qwerter_models_consoleoutput.png|The original image.
=== August 27, 2017 ===
* The source code for Nextbot, primarily its Left 4 Dead incarnation, is released. The original post was shortly after deleted, but replies remain. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1544804&page=75</ref><ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20170818025246/https://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1544804&page=75 (Archived version)</ref>
=== September 22, 2017 ===
* Jasper Carmack digs into one of the earliest builds (possibly May 2, 2006) of Half-Life 2: Episode One, only to find some unused VCDs and sound files. These include some unused G-Man voice lines and a preload that references "ep1_intro" as well as the G-Man test image used for HL2's ARG back in 2004. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1544804&p=52707738&viewfull=1#post52707738</ref> These voice lines are then posted into the Discord Server. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1544804&p=52707778&viewfull=1#post52707778</ref>
=== October 3, 2017 ===
*QWERTERBERY posts about apparently having knowledge of where to get "<code>sky_urb01</code>" for Half-Life 2 in .psd format. It sparks off an argument over legality that ultimately leads to a permanent ban of his account. <ref>https://forum.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1544804&p=52741853&viewfull=1#post52741853</ref>
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[[Category:2016 Leaks]]
[[Category:2017 Leaks]]
[[Category:Recommended Reads]]

Revision as of 06:27, 19 June 2020

披头士乐队(英語:The Beatles)是1960年在利物浦组建的一支英国摇滚乐队,在华语地区亦称为“甲壳虫乐队”[3]、“披头四乐队”等。乐队成員為约翰·列侬、保羅·麥卡尼、喬治·哈里森和林戈·斯塔尔。他们被广泛承认为史上最伟大、最有影响力的摇滚乐队[4]。根植于噪音爵士乐和50年代摇滚,披头士探索了各种音乐类型,从流行谣曲到迷幻搖滾,经常创新地运用经典元素。1960年代早期,他们的极度流行产生了披头士狂热(Beatlemania)现象。随着日后创作的成熟,他们被视为当时反文化运动理想的化身。

从1960年起的之后三年间,披头士在利物浦和汉堡的俱乐部中演出,逐渐积累了声望。乐队经理人布萊恩·愛普斯坦把他们打磨成职业乐队,制作人乔治·马丁激发了他们音乐上的潜能。在1962年末发行第一首打榜歌《Love Me Do》后,披头士走红英国。后一年,随着披头士狂热在英国的蔓延,他们取得了“Fab Four”的昵称。到1964年初,披头士已征服美国流行乐市场,成为国际巨星,引领了英伦入侵潮流。1965年后,披头士制作了一系列革新而影响深远的专辑,包括《Rubber Soul》(1965)、《Revolver》(1966)、《Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band》(1967)、《The Beatles (White Album)》(1968)以及《Abbey Road》(1969)。乐评界认为它们是披头士最好的作品。1970年披头士解散,之后乐队成员都有各自成功的单飞生涯。列侬于1980年12月遭枪击遇害,哈里森于2001年11月因肺癌病逝。剩余的成员麦卡特尼和斯塔尔如今依旧活跃在乐坛。麥卡尼亦有各成员中最成功的单飞事业,是全球最有钱的音乐人之一。

根据美國唱片業協會统计,披头士是美国史上销售量最高的乐队,共售出1.83亿张唱片。他们是英国排行榜上冠军专辑最多,也是英国单曲销量第一的乐队。2008年,披头士在《公告牌》的“史上最成功音乐人Hot 100”榜单上登顶;2014年,他们以20首冠军单曲在《公告牌》“最多冠军单曲”榜单上排名第一。他们拥有10座格萊美獎,1座奥斯卡最佳原创配乐奖以及15座艾弗·诺韦洛奖。乐队作为一个整体入选了《时代》杂志的“时代100人:本世纪最重要的人物”名单。披头士是史上最畅销的乐队,全球总销售量估算为6亿到10亿间[5][6]。2004年,《滾石雜誌》把披头士列为歷史上最伟大的艺人。