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Page where I put Miscellaneous stuff that I've found

Mel Escape + Wakeup sequence

Out Of Bounds 01:

Pre-recorded observation: You have left the testing environment.

Out Of Bounds 02:

Leaving the testing environment may be interpreted as an indication that you think you no longer require testing and, in fact, know everything.
It could even be seen as arrogance on your part.
Stop now and take a moment to think about how your actions could be perceived by others before returning to the test chamber.

Hub Instructions:

You have breached the central core of the Aperture Science Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System.
Pre-Apocalypse, this would have been an act of criminal trespass and an opportunity for you to go to prison.
As it is, however, this is a rare opportunity for you to become an honorary Aperture Scientist.
Do you see a power object? The Enrichment Center invites you to pick up the power object and plug it in.
Something will happen. Something wonderful.

GLaDOS Wakeup:

Thank you for reactivating your Enrichment Center Test Supervisor. Aperture Science is grateful for your help.
Running environment scan.
Available test subjects: [BING] one.
Uploading personality program.
Warning: Personality program is eighty-nine percent corrupted.
Reactivation in three. Two. One.
Welcome to the Aperture Science Enrichment Center.
Let’s get to know each other.
How are you? I’M not crazy. This water cooler water is excellent. Mm!
Well, enough small talk, let’s test.