Gordon Freeman (Evolution)
Gordon Freeman is the protagonist of Half-Life, Half-Life 2 and its' episodes. A quiet scientist, he's forced into action after an experiment goes wrong, here's how he changed throughout the development of Half-Life 1 and 2. This page also covers the history of the HEV Suit, as it and Gordon are inseperable. Most of this page would not be possible without the research of winjon.
- 1 Half-Life
- 1.1 Version 0: Concept Art/Dyson Poincare
- 1.2 Version 1: Ivan The Space Biker
- 1.3 Version 2: Early Sculpt
- 1.4 Version 3: Blonde in Red Suit
- 1.5 Version 4: Barehanded Orange Suit
- 1.6 Version 5: Orange Suit with Glasses
- 1.7 Version 6: Final Orange Suit
- 1.8 Version 7: Deathmatch Gordon
- 1.9 Version 8: Dreamcast Gordon
- 1.10 Version 10: PS2 Model Gordon
- 2 Half-Life 2
- 2.1 Version 0: Warrior.tga
- 2.2 Version 1: Leather Suit
- 2.3 Version 1.5: Early Concept Art
- 2.4 Version 2: Orange-Red V_hands
- 2.5 Version 3: 2003 Suit
- 2.6 Version 4: AR1/Grey Arms
- 2.7 Version 5: Light Gray V_hands
- 2.8 Version 6: Final Suit
- 2.9 Version 7: Survivor Model
- 2.10 Version 8: Half-Life Alyx Model
Version 0: Concept Art/Dyson Poincare
This piece of concept art was created by Chuck Jones during a time when Gordon's name wasn't even confirmed. Initially named Dyson Poincare by Marc Laidlaw, Valve CEO Gabe Newell suggested the name Gordon Freeman and the name has stuck ever since. This concept shows a bulky Hazard Suit, with a missing right glove, and Gordon wearing goggles.
Version 1: Ivan The Space Biker
Version 2: Early Sculpt
Version 3: Blonde in Red Suit
This version of Gordon was modified from the sculpt, and modelled to include the likeness of Chuck Jones, as he had a goatee and a ponytail at the time. Unlike Jones however, this version of Gordon has blonde hair. The red suit from the sculpt is carried over, and Gordon is seen without gloves on his hands. By this point, however, Gordon's viewmodel had gloved hands with suit-colored knuckles and a handguard displaying his vitals.
Version 4: Barehanded Orange Suit
This version of Gordon only appeared in one render, but is noticably different from the previous and next version. This version of Gordon now has an orange HEV suit, simply hueshifted from the red suit and his hair is now brown, making the Chuck Jones resemblance even more obvious. However, his face is still the same from the previous version and his suit still does not have gloves, at least in thirdperson.
Version 5: Orange Suit with Glasses
This version of Gordon is an anomaly. It overlaps with the following version, but it uses the earlier mesh with glasses, but is only used in Opposing Force. Additionally, a promotional render created for Half-Life at the time of release shows Gordon with a different pair of glasses, where his eyes are visible. This version of Gordon now has a simple orange handguard over black gloves, something which would remain for the final model.
Version 6: Final Orange Suit
Version 7: Deathmatch Gordon
Version 8: Dreamcast Gordon
Version 10: PS2 Model Gordon
Half-Life 2
Version 0: Warrior.tga
Version 1: Leather Suit
Version 1.5: Early Concept Art
Version 2: Orange-Red V_hands
Version 3: 2003 Suit
Version 4: AR1/Grey Arms
Version 5: Light Gray V_hands
Version 6: Final Suit
Version 7: Survivor Model
Version 8: Half-Life Alyx Model