Talk:Hyper Era

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Re-word summary to include the perspective of this era being "post-pitch"

talk about rtb vignettes?

find article that mentioned something about how what engine tf2 was running on was decided to be in-house (at a time just after the hl2 pitch)

find out the date when visual studio stopped using and updating .dsp files

find article or text talking about the physgun's origins

make a hoard article and reference it in both this and the pre-pitch episode

include a "changes from last era" section, talk about how the 3 races concept merged and how c17 was merged

Siggraph 23-28/7/2000, fire tech, physics destruction, materials, terrain displacements, facial animation, gas mask citizens, fisticuffs, fish like scanner movement, red haired alyx, odell, cremator, crab synth