Aaron's WC folder
From Valve Cut Content
Desription of whats in folder
/c17_canals/ Featuring the cut jetski |
/c17/ Empty folder, assumed to have had c17 maps in it at some point. |
/demo/ empty folder |
/E3/ All of the maps from the Aaron folder to the Jeff folder. Includes the root directory. |
/prefabs/ All of the maps from the Aaron folder to the Jeff folder. Includes the root directory. |
/Seafloor/ All of the maps from the Aaron folder to the Jeff folder. Includes the root directory. |
/wasteland/ All of the maps from the Aaron folder to the Jeff folder. Includes the root directory. |
Directory maps
- ai_guide1
- alyx
- alyx_caves03
- antcave
- antlion_01
- antlion_cave01
- apc_canal
- arcade_01
- arcade_02
- arcade_03
- arcade_04
- arcade_05
- arcade_06
- arcade_06a
- arcade_06b
- arch
- areaportal
- barrel_roll
- bastille
- bell_light
- blastfurnace
- box
- brickbuildings-1
- brickbuildings
- brickbuildings2
- brickbuildings3
- btest1
- btest1a
- building_test
- building_test02
- building_testa
- bullseye
- bullsquid_01
- bullsquid_02
- bullsquid_02a
- burntest
- burntest01
- bus
- c17_01_13
- c17_01_13test
- c17_01_13test2
- c17_01_14
- c17_01_15
- c17_01_16
- c17_01_17
- c17_01_18
- c17_01_19
- c17_03_08
- c17_04_12
- c17_04_13
- c17_04_14
- c17_04_15
- c17_04_16
- c17_04_17
- c17_04_18
- c17_04_19
- c17_04_20
- c17_04_21
- c17_04_22
- c17_04_23
- c17_04_24
- c17_04_25
- c17_04_26
- c17_04_27
- c17_04_28
- c17_04_28a
- c17_04_29
- c17_04_29a
- c17_04_30
- c17_04_31
- c17_04_32
- c17_04_33
- c17_04_34
- c17_04_35
- c17_04_36
- c17_04_36_retexture
- c17_04_37
- c17_04_38
- c17_04_39
- c17_04_40
- c17_04_41
- c17_05_05
- c17_05_06
- c17_old07
- c17_plaza01
- c17_plaza02
- c17_plaza02_redo
- c17_plaza02_redo01
- c17_plaza02_redo02
- c17_plaza03
- c17_plaza04
- c17_plaza05
- c17_plaza06
- c17_road01
- c17_road02
- c17_road03
- c17_road03a
- c17_road04
- c17_road05
- c17_road06
- c17_ruins01
- c17_ruins01a
- c17_ruins01b
- c17_ruins02
- c17_ruins02a
- c17_ruins03
- c17_ruins03test
- c17_ruins04
- camocity
- camoroom
- camostreet
- canals_01_01
- canals_01_02
- canals_01_03
- canals_01_04
- canals_01_05
- canals_01_06
- canals_01_07
- canals_01_08
- canals_01_10
- canals_01_11
- canals_01_12
- canals_01_13
- canals_01_14
- canals_01_15
- canals_02_01
- canals_02_010
- canals_02_02
- canals_02_03
- canals_02_04
- canals_02_05
- canals_02_05a
- canals_02_06
- canals_02_06a
- canals_02_07
- canals_02_08
- canals_02_09
- canals_02_10
- canals_02_11
- canals_03_01
- canals_industrial01
- canals_town_01
- canal_bridges01
- canal_bridges01jb
- canal_bridges02
- canal_bridges03
- canal_bridges04
- canal_bridges05
- canal_bridges06
- canal_bridges07
- canal_cave01
- canal_cave02
- canal_cave03
- canal_city01
- canal_current01
- canal_current02
- canal_current03
- canal_passage01
- canal_prop
- cavetest01
- cavetest02
- cavetest03
- cave_canyon07
- cave_canyon08
- chopper1
- citizen
- citizen_tech01
- city17_01_01
- city17_01_02
- city17_01_03
- city17_alley
- city_street001
- city_test03
- city_test04
- city_test05
- city_test06
- city_test07
- city_test08
- city_test09
- city_wall
- columns
- columns_test
- combine_gallery_002
- conveyors03
- cremator
- cremator_034
- cremator_street01
- cremator_street02
- crowhint
- cylinder_test01
- d1_garage_01_08
- d1_quarry_01
- d1_terminal_01_40
- d1_town_03
- d4_streetwar_01
- demo_materials
- demo_quarrytown2
- demo_rubble
- dock_strider
- domelight
- domelight_test
- domes
- dynamic_test
- e3_buildings
- e3_building_sign
- e3_industrial
- e3_lab
- e3_sewer
- e3_sewer1
- e3_strider
- e3_strider01
- e3_strider02
- e3_strider03
- e3_strider2
- e3_strider2a
- e3_strider_002
- e3_strider_building
- e3_strider_lux
- e3_strider_sewer
- e3_strider_test
- e3_strider_vis_1
- e3_terminal
- e3_town
- elevator_building01
- elevator_building02
- elevator_room
- env_smokestack
- factorymodel
- fireroom
- func_brush_test
- hall_01
- industrial_light
- item_zoo
- jay
- jay2
- junkyard01
- leak_bug
- lighttest
- lighttest02
- lighttest2
- lighttest3
- lighttest3a
- lighttest3b
- lighttest3c
- light_prefab01
- machine
- mad_nobe
- materialtest01
- mines
- missle_launcher
- model_bug
- model_lighttest
- model_test
- ms_lab
- nether_01
- nov_bor_001
- origin_test
- outside_city01
- outside_city02
- outside_city03
- outside_city04
- outside_city05
- outside_city06
- outside_city06_test
- outside_city07
- park01
- park02
- particlezoo
- particlezoo_sky
- Pipeprefab01
- pipes01
- plastertest
- powerbox
- prefab_buildings2
- prefab_canals
- prefab_government
- prefab_handrails01
- prefab_industrial
- prefab_industrial01
- prefab_lockers01
- prefab_modern
- prefab_residential
- prefab_street
- prefab_substation
- props_borealis
- props_c17
- props_debris
- props_foliage
- props_wasteland
- prop_test01
- prop_test02
- prop_test03
- proto_bridge
- proto_c17combine
- proto_c17inner01
- proto_church02
- proto_citadel_skybox
- proto_citadel_skybox3
- proto_combinebridge
- proto_combinebridge01
- proto_docks
- proto_innerwall
- proto_outerwall
- proto_prison1
- proto_riverbed
- proto_tree
- proto_wasteland
- quarry01
- quarry02
- quarry03
- quarry03a
- quarry_town01
- quarry_town02
- quarry_town03
- randalpond
- ravine04
- ravine04a
- reflecttest01
- reflecttest02
- rocket
- rocket01
- rocket02
- rocket03
- rock_caves01
- rock_forms05
- roofshack_01
- rooftops02
- rooftops03
- rooftops04
- rooftops05
- rooftops06
- rooftops07
- rooftops08
- rooftops09
- rooftops09a
- rooftops10
- rooftop_victory
- ruins12
- ruins13
- scraper_base04
- skybox02
- sky_walk01
- sky_walk10
- sky_walk10a
- sky_walk11
- sniper
- sniper2
- sniper_street01
- sniper_street02
- streetfire
- streetfire01
- streetfire02
- streetfire03
- streetfire04
- streetfire05
- streetwar01
- streetwar02
- streetwar03
- streetwar04
- strider_street05
- strider_street12
- testroom_fire01
- toxic_pit03
- train_depot06
- train_depot06a
- train_depot07
- train_depot08
- train_depot09
- train_depot10
- VanceHQ
- vmt_test
- wasteland_bridge05
- wasteland_testmap02
- zombie_town01
- zombie_town02